Seattle Public Schools

Curriculum Adoption

2019 Spanish 6-12

Spanish Adoption for Grades 6-12

In July 2018, Seattle Public Schools initiated an adoption process for instructional materials to support Spanish as a world language in grades 6 through 12. 

The instructional materials process will follow the Seattle Public Schools Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials, Policy No. 2015

When approved by the Seattle School Board, the new instructional materials will be ready for implementation by the 2019-20 school year or the following year, depending on funding.

Adoption Process Timeline

Stage 1: June 2018 – March 2019

A public announcement of the adoption was sent out on School Messenger and posted on the SPS website. SPS teachers and families were invited to complete a Needs Assessment Survey. The Adoption Committee was formed and held two initial meetings, with the goal of publishing the selection criteria for the instructional materials and recommending potential candidates.

Stage 2: April 2019

The Adoption Committee reconvened to finalize the selection of final instructional materials candidates to advance to the Field Test. All potential materials will be available for public viewing at multiple locations around the district with opportunities for the public to provide feedback.

Materials from the two vendors approved for field testing were on display through June at JSCEE

Stage 3: May – June 2019

The Field Test began in selected classrooms. Field Test teachers received professional development and used the materials in their classroom. To gather information regarding the effectiveness and use of each of the instructional material candidates, the Adoption Coordinator collected a variety of student interview and survey data, conducted classroom observations, surveyed Field Test teachers, and met with families at open houses.

Read the Announcement about Field Testing and Open Houses for viewing the materials.

Instructional Materials Open Houses:

The public was invited to view the materials being field tested at several open houses in early June.

Stage 4: June – October 2019

At its June 18 meeting, the Adoption Committee reviewed results of the Field Test and feedback from the community and selected instructional materials to recommend to the Superintendent. A Board Action Report will be presented to the Instructional Materials Committee (IMC). The IMC will submit a recommendation to the School Board Curriculum & Instruction Committee and then the full School Board. The School Board will hear public comments, provide feedback, and ask for follow-up clarification before voting to approve the recommendation.

Implementation: Fall 2019 or August 2020

Some of the new instructional materials may be ready for implementation by fall of the 2019-2020 school year. Others will likely be purchased for school year 2020-2021. Implementation schools will be supported through professional development, which emphasizes the shift in pedagogy to a focus on developing language proficiency, in order to provide equitable opportunities for all students.

SPS Racial Equity Analysis Tool

It is the moral and ethical responsibility and a top priority for Seattle Public Schools to provide Equity Access and Opportunity for every student, and to eliminate racial inequity in our educational and administrative system.

The Racial Equity Analysis Tool lays out a clear process and a set of questions to guide the development, implementation, and evaluation of significant policies, initiatives, professional development, programs, instructional practices, and budget issues to address the impacts on racial equity. The SPS World Languages Team will use the Analysis Tool to guarantee an equity lens for the Adoption Process.

Racial Equity Analysis Tool – Approved by Instructional Materials Committee for Spanish Adoption.

Adoption Coordinator

Dr. Thad Williams
International Education Administrator

Adoption Coordinator
for school year 2018-2019
was Dr. Michele Anciaux Aoki

Spanish Adoption Committee Meeting Notes